
MCF has a thriving youth ministry with loads going on each week for young people - read on below to find out more :


Friday 19:00 - 20:30

School years 7 - 13

Oasis is our Friday night youth club -with … tuck shop, board games, competitions, activities, crazy games, quizzes, music and loads more. It’s open to everyone - just rock up and join the fun.


Sunday 10:30 - 12:00

School years 7 - 10

Every Sunday morning at MCF we have youth provision for ages 11-14. We go out as a group during the service and explore the bible, pray, play games and (importantly) EAT CAKE!!!!!! Everyone is welcome - just come along.

Youth Plus

Sunday 18:30 - 20:00

School years 7-13

The highlight of the youth group week Youth plus is where it’s at! We run a varied program including : activities and games on site, activities around town, trips out, bible studies, make it / cook it / grow it sessions and more. Open to all!

For more information about any of our youth groups contact Dave Sinclair (Associate minister) at :